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Home » » Paul Edward Sudjiman, Ph.D,MBA

Paul Edward Sudjiman, Ph.D,MBA

Written By unaifekon on 06 September 2010 | 18.37

Name                                           :      Paul E. Sudjiman
Place & Date of Birth                   :     Bandung, West Java
Occupation                                  :     Dean of the Faculty of Business
                                                        Universitas Advent Indonesia
Baptized SDA Church Member    :    August 1978 UNAI Bandung West Java
Marital Status                               :     Married
Spouse                                         :    Lorina Siregar, M.B.A., Bs.C.
Children                                        :    Adithya Sakti Jonathan Sudjiman
                                                         Andhika Andreas Julio Caesar Sudjiman

Educational Background:
  1. Bachelor of Science in Commerce-Management (1992), Philippine Union College, Silang, Cavite, Philippines
  2. Master in Business Administration (1994), University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
  3. Ph. D in Commerce (2005), University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

Working Experience:

1.    1983-1986            : Utilities; PT Harapan Insani, Muara Badak, Kaltim
2.    Nov’92-Feb’94    : Personnel Clerk, MA-FEL TRANSIT, Queson City
3.    1994-2000            : Lecturer in the Faculty of Business, UNAI
4.    2005-Present        : Lecturer in the Faculty of Business, UNAI
5.    2006-Present        : Dean of the Faculty of Business, UNAI
6.    2007-Present        : Department Chair of Graduate School Magister
                                    Management Program
7.      2007-Present      : Lecturer in Magister Management Program                 
8.      2007-2008         : Department Chair of Management Faculty of Economic

Professional Experience :

       1. 1992-1994                     : Member of Marketing Association Republic of        
       2. 2006                               :  Member of Audit Salary Committee
       3. 2007                               : Member of Executive Committee of Board of    Trustee                          
                                                  Universitas Advent Indonesia
       4. 2008-Present                   : Vice Chairman of Wages Committee of Kabupaten
                                                  Bandung Barat (West Java Local Government)

Academic Rank

Government Academic Rank    :    Lektor (2001)
Local Academic Rank              :    Professor (2009)

Church services

1996-1997                                   : Deacon
1997-1998                                   : Head of Sabbath School
2006-2007                                   : Head Deacon
2007-2008                                   : Church Elder
2008-2009                                   : Assistant Head Deacon
2009-2010                                   : Church Elder

Reasearch and Pubilcation

  1. 1994          : “Job Satisfaction and Its Relation to the Organization Effectiveness”;
  2.  2001          : “Risk Management of Selected Industry in the Philippines” 
  3. 2002          : “The Comparison Study of Garment Industry
  4. 2004          : “Measuring Performance in the Garment Industry of the Philippines”
  5. 2005          : “ Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan”    
  6. 2008            : “ Kepemilikan Saham Oleh Investor Asing Terhadap Index Harga Saham Gabungan”
  7. 2008          : “TheComparison Study of Garment Industries Among Foreign     Countires”
  8. 2009          : “Unsur Komunikasi Dalam Organisasi”
  9. 2009          : “Dari Strategi Menuju Kepada Implementasi”
  10. 2009          : “Pihak-Pihak Pendukung Pelaksanaan Strategi”
Religious Public Services

1.    “Strategi Terbaik Dalam Menghadapi Kehidupan”
2.    “Allah atau Mamon”?
3.    “Standard Kehidupan Bahagia”
4.    “Sadarkah Kalau Kita Punya Potensi”?
5.    “Dimanakah Sumber Kebahagiaan”?
6.    “Hikmat yang Besumber Dari pada Allah”
7.    “Janganlah Jemu-Jemu Berbuat Apa yang Baik”!
8.    “Mengubah Impian Menjadi Kenyataan”
9.    “Experience the Joy of Salvation”
10.    “Strive for the Best”
11.    “Keseimbangan Antara Pengetahuan Rohani Dengan Pengetahuan Duniawi”

Participated at International Seminars

1.    “Advertising Updates” Delivered by Felix Lao JR. Ph.D., May 17 1993 at AVR Graduate School Building UST.
2.    “Success through Unity and Responsibility” Delivered by Miriam P.Narbarte, M.B.A. December 15, 1991 at Finster Chapel, PUC Campus.
3.    “Organizational Development  Intervention Seminar” Delivered by Elena Morada,Ph.D. at Oct.5.2001 at Rosary Hill Tagaytay City.
4.    “Promoting Life Education” Delivered by Graeme Perry, Ph.D. and Julian Melgosa, Ph.D. Sept.15 2003 at AIIAS Amphitheater, Philippines.
5.    “Management and Conduct of a Training Program Delivered by Elsa Orlina,Ed.D. and David Bierkenstock,Ph.D. Feb.1 2002 at AIIAS Silang Cavite.

Participated at Local Seminars
  1. “To Improve the Spirit (Services,Proficiency,Innovation, Research, Integrity) Delivered by Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Rochim Suratman  Nov.19 2006 at UNAI Campus.
  2. “Pembinaan Akademik Dosen” Delivered by Drs. Syuaiban Muhammad,Msi., at UNAI Campus.
  3.  “United in the Spirit of Quality Christian Education” Delivered by Dr. Stephen Guptill July 25 2005 at UNAI Campus
  4.  “United By Commitment Toward Quality Christian Education” Delivered by Dr.Gladen Flores July 25 at UNAI Campus.
  5.  “Jasa Telekomunikasi Indonesia/Hubungan Lembaga dan Pers” Delivered by Yan Pieter Sitompul, Mart 15 2007 at Panghegar Hotel Bandung.
  6.  “Penataran Manajemen Partisipasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas PTS di Lingkungan Kopertis Wilayah IV Jawa Barat” Delivered by Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Rochim Suratman, 3-6 July 2007 at Kopertis Jatinangor.
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Universitas Advent Indonesia Jl. Kolonel Masturi No. 288, Parongpong, Bandung - Jawa Barat, Indonesia Tel/Fax:+62 22 2700161 http://www.unai.edu Email : registrar@unai.ed (Registrar Office) vppr@unai.edu(Public Relation Office)
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